Tech Addiction

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Yes, it is a real term people use in 2024. Yes, it is related to digital wellness, digital addictions, etc.
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Nov 12, 2024 09:56 PM
HomeDigital Wellness Glossary → Tech Addiction

Tech Addiction

[tek uh-dik-shuhn]

What Is Tech Addiction?

Tech addiction is a behavioral dependence on digital devices and technology that interferes with daily life, relationships, and mental wellbeing. It's characterized by compulsive use of smartphones, computers, gaming systems, or other digital technologies despite negative consequences.

Word Origins:

"Tech" is short for technology, derived from the Greek "technē" meaning art or craft. "Addiction" comes from Latin "addictus," meaning "assigned" or "bound to." The term "tech addiction" emerged in the 1990s alongside the rise of personal computing and gained prominence in the 2000s with the advent of smartphones.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Losing track of time while using devices
  • Failed attempts to cut back on usage
  • Feeling anxious when separated from devices
  • Neglecting responsibilities or relationships
  • Using technology to escape problems
  • Experiencing withdrawal-like symptoms when offline

Managing Tech Addiction

  • Setting clear boundaries with device usage
  • Implementing digital wellness tools and app limits
  • Creating tech-free zones and times
  • Practicing digital mindfulness
  • Seeking professional help when needed
  • Building meaningful offline activities and connections

  • Digital Detox: A period of intentional disconnection from digital devices
  • Screen Time: The amount of time spent using digital devices