Dopamine Fasting
Real term
Yes, it is a real term people use in 2024.
Yes, it is related to digital wellness, digital addictions, etc.
Meta Description
Meta Title
Nov 12, 2024 09:56 PM
Dopamine Fasting
[doh-puh-meen fas-ting]
What Is Dopamine Fasting?
A practice of temporarily abstaining from stimulating activities - especially digital ones like social media, gaming, and streaming - to reset your brain's reward system and improve focus and well-being.
Word Origins:
Combines "dopamine" (named by Arvid Carlsson in 1952 after its chemical structure) and "fasting" (Old English 'fæstan'). The term was popularized around 2019 in Silicon Valley by Dr. Cameron Sepah as a behavioral intervention technique.
How Does Dopamine Fasting Work?
During a dopamine fast, you deliberately avoid activities that trigger dopamine rushes - like checking notifications, scrolling social media, or binge-watching shows. This can last anywhere from a few hours to several days. The goal is to make naturally rewarding activities feel pleasurable again and break addictive digital behavior patterns.
Benefits and Common Approaches
Start small with 2-4 hour fasts, gradually building up to longer periods. Many people begin with a "tech sabbath" - one day per week without screens. Others practice "micro-fasting" during specific daily times, like the first hour after waking up or the last hour before bed.
Related Terms
- Dopamine Detox: Similar practice focused specifically on digital detoxification
- Digital Sabbath: Regular scheduled break from all digital devices
- Digital Wellness: Maintaining healthy relationship with technology