Internet Addiction Disorder

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Yes, it is a real term people use in 2024. Yes, it is related to digital wellness, digital addictions, etc.
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Nov 12, 2024 09:56 PM
HomeDigital Wellness Glossary → [Internet Addiction Disorder]

Internet Addiction Disorder

[in-ter-net uh-dik-shuh n dis-awr-der]

What Is Internet Addiction Disorder?

Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) is a behavioral addiction characterized by excessive or poorly controlled use of the internet that leads to significant impairment in daily life functioning. It's when someone's relationship with the internet starts interfering with their work, relationships, sleep, and overall well-being.

Word Origins:

The term was first proposed by Dr. Ivan Goldberg in 1995 as a parody of traditional addiction diagnoses. However, it quickly gained serious attention as psychologists began observing genuine cases of problematic internet use. The term combines "Internet" (derived from "interconnected networks") with "addiction" (Latin "addictus" meaning "enslaved") and "disorder" (disruption of normal functioning).

Signs and Symptoms

  • Loss of time awareness while online
  • Difficulty completing daily tasks due to internet use
  • Withdrawal symptoms when offline
  • Failed attempts to cut back on internet use
  • Neglecting relationships for online activities
  • Using the internet to escape negative emotions

Treatment Approaches

  • Digital boundaries setting using app limits
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Digital detox periods
  • Mindful technology use training
  • Support groups and counseling
  • Establishment of offline activities and interests

  • Digital Detox: Planned period of abstinence from digital devices and internet use