Digital Trance
Real term
Yes, it is a real term people use in 2024.
Yes, it is related to digital wellness, digital addictions, etc.[1][3][5]
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Nov 12, 2024 09:56 PM
Home → Digital Wellness Glossary → Digital Trance
Digital Trance
[dij-i-tuhl trans]
What Is Digital Trance?
A state of hypnotic-like absorption in digital content or activities where a person loses track of time, physical surroundings, and self-awareness while engaged with screens or digital devices.
Word Origins:
Combines "digital" (relating to computer technology) with "trance" (from Latin "transire" meaning to cross over). The term emerged in the 2010s to describe the zombie-like state people experience during prolonged screen engagement.
Signs of Digital Trance
- Losing track of time while using devices
- Decreased awareness of physical surroundings
- Delayed response to external stimuli
- Difficulty switching attention away from screen
- Physical symptoms like dry eyes or forgotten bodily needs
Breaking the Digital Trance
- Set regular screen breaks using timers
- Practice the 20-20-20 rule (every 20 minutes, look 20 feet away for 20 seconds)
- Create physical interruptions (drinking water, stretching)
- Use apps that remind you to take breaks
- Keep devices out of bedroom to prevent nighttime trances
Related Terms
- Digital Mindfulness Score: A metric measuring one's awareness and intentional use of digital devices
- Zombiescrolling: Mindlessly scrolling through content without purpose or awareness
- Flow State: A productive state of deep concentration and engagement